Ramya Mohan

CAPE™ : Creative Arts for Processing Emotions

"Global pioneer in integrating neuroscience with the creative arts "(Royal College of Psychiatrists UK, 2018)

Where Medicine and Neuroscience met Music for emotional equilibrium on a global platform for the first time ever

CAPEforHealth‘s vision is ‘A CAPEable world for all’.

Dr. Ramya’s internationally acclaimed neuroscientific therapeutic technique CAPE : Creative Arts for Processing Emotions (@CAPEforHealth) has been commended as a global pioneer by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, acknowledged by an international scientific platform and critically acclaimed by world media.

CAPE is now a leading integrated emotional well-being and mental health platform called CAPEforHealth (www.capeforhealth.com) , providing standardised and validated online support and access to an international cohort of curated mental health specialists, alongside the highest international standards of care, ethics and confidentiality.

In 2015, Ramya announced an innovative, self-guided therapeutic technique ‘CAPE: Creative Arts for Processing Emotions ®, followed by CAPE ® (2016) and CAPE ®: Youth (2017)at the High Commission of India UK (Cultural Wing). This novel technique has a basis in her neuroscientific understanding and work on creativity, emotions and the brain. It integrates the best of Eastern and Western creativity and scientific thinking with well-evidenced therapeutic techniques in the right proportion and mix to support optimal emotional regulation. CAPE® has been critically acclaimed by the medical community and international media.

Following years of scientific validation and user feedback, CAPE:Creative Arts For Processing Emotions® is now being launched as a pioneering,neuroscientific,innovative,self-guided,evidence-based, integrated mental health platform and app , making it accessible to all for the first time ever. Leading world experts have developed scientific, individualised, structured programs for emotional equilibrium, recovery from illness and mental with physical well-being.

CAPEForHealth is for all – creatively supporting individuals, children/young people, adults, families, schools and corporates in your journey to optimal well-being

CAPE ® is proud to be associated with NSRCEL , The Indian Institute of Management as incubation partner.

To know more , please visit www.capeforhealth.com

CAPE™ : Creative Arts for Processing Emotions

Where Medicine and Neuroscience met Music for emotional equilibrium on a global platform for the first time ever

"Global pioneer in integrating neuroscience with the creative arts"( Royal College of Psychiatrists UK, 2018)

In 2015, Ramya announced an innovative, self-guided therapeutic technique ‘CAPE: Creative Arts for Processing Emotion ®, followed by CAPE ® (2016) and CAPE ® : Youth (2017) at the High Commission of India UK (Cultural Wing).

This critically acclaimed novel technique has a basis in Dr Ramya Mohan’s neuroscientific work on creativity, emotions and the brain . It integrates the best of Eastern and Western scientific and creativity concepts with well-evidenced therapeutic techniques in the right proportion and mix to support emotional well-being.

CAPE : Creative Arts For Processing Emotions® is now available as a pioneering,neuroscientific,innovative,self-guided,evidence-based, integrated creativity-based mental health platform based on years of scientific research and user feedback , critically acclaimed by the medical community and international media. Leading world experts have developed individualised, structured programs for emotional equilibrium, recovery from illness and mental with physical well-being. CAPE® creatively supports children/young people, adults, families, schools and corporates.

To know more , please visit www.capeforhealth.com